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Andrew James Travel/

Dennis Dart SLF / Plaxton Pointer #R503 SJM

19 march 2014 - The Hill, Little Somerford. Andybus have recently lost all their service bus routes around Malmesbury in a recent county council tendering process. Before the routes transferred to the new operator I headed out in to the Gloucestershire countryside to document their services, always performed with well-kept vehicles. An example is this early low-floor Dart descending the hill in to this small village.
Author: shedinagarden

19 march 2014 - Cross Hayes, Malmesbury. Seen here at the main terminus in this historical British town is this immaculate early example of the low-floor Dennis Dart. The Andybus fleet was always very well cared for, and the driver of the Optare behind can be seen sprucing his vehicle to demonstrate the point.
Author: shedinagarden



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