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Ентуртранс ООД/

Mercedes-Benz Travego 15RHD #A 6888 KB

25 june 2008 - Primorsko, ul. 3 Marca.
Author: mash

Mercedes-Benz Travego 15RHD #CA 6084 KP

25 may 2008 - Burgas, Bulgaria. An MB Travego bus on the line Sofia - Stara Zagora - Burgas and probably the reverse. I guess in the moment I was taking the picture it was just heading to Stara Zagora. In Burgas, there seem to be so many operators that I hardly notice them if they don't have buses running on city lines. Actually, new coaches are too boring for me and since "BurgasBus", for instance, don't have enough money to purchase them, I don't care who does.
Author: Metzgermeister5



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