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Technické muzeum Brno/

Tatra mv #31

25 march 2011 - Brno (CZ) – tram museum Lisen. As well as today’s standard-gauge tramways in Ostrava, there were once narrow-gauge interurban lines connecting the city to nearby towns, including one part which ran into what was then Poland. Ownership was complicated and they were all gone by the 1960s, but several trams survive in the Lisen museum. This is a very modern 760mm gauge motor tram of 1954 from the Ostrava – Karvina line (MDOK) which ran only to 1967 and was then abandoned. You can read more about the interesting history of these lines at http://web.archive.org/web/20030524025731/http://www.blickpunktstrab.net/report05_e.html
Author: dvigar



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