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Jasper Rund- und Gesellschaftsfahrten GmbH (bis 2018)/

Mercedes-Benz O530MÜ #8120

23 april 2005 - Hamburg, Saarlandstraße. The Airport Express is going back from the airport to the Hauptbahnhof through the city park.
Author: straphan

Mercedes-Benz O530MÜ #8126

10 december 2004 - Hamburg Hauptbahnhof/Steintorbrücke. The privateer JASPER runs a direct shuttle from the main station to the airport. For the first time in Germany I was threatened verbally and physically (pointing fingers) after taking a photo.
Author: straphan
Comments: 5

Mercedes-Benz O530MÜ #8321

31 october 2010 - Jasper 8321 - Hamburg, Kaistraße
Author: hamburg15



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