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Daimler Fleetline XF #XF3
Author: dvigar enedytorRSS (0)
Uploaded: 2018-08-17 11:49:22
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11 april 2010 - Surrey, UK - Wisley: One of six 1965 Daimler Fleetlines bought to compare with fifty Leyland Atlanteans to see which was most suitable (so given "X" fleet numbers). The famous Routemaster was the last bus specially built for London - to save money, all new buses would now be `off the peg`. Conductors were also becoming too expensive to employ, so London Transport looked for a bus suitable for one person operation. The workers` Union, however, was opposed to making bus drivers act as conductors on larger buses and would not allow their members to drive them, so a compromise was reached - the top deck would be closed with a locking gate except at peak times, making the bus a single decker for most of the day. This arrangement was fine until peak time ended, when the driver often had to leave the bus to go upstairs and ask passengers to come down so the gate could be closed! This nonsense continued for some years until a new agreement was reached with the Union to allow bigger buses. In actual fact, the Daimler beat the Atlantean in the comparative trials and many more were purchased for use in London.
en gt


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