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AEC Reliance / Weymann Fanfare #370

2 august 2009 - Gosport, UK - Stokes Bay: I once lived in the area served by the Aldershot and District Traction Company to the southwest of London and their buses were a daily sight. Along with the same operator`s very distinctive Dennis Loline double deckers, these AEC Reliance saloons are still regarded by many enthusiasts as some of the finest buses in the country. This particular Reliance was #370 in the fleet and eventually passed into preservation.

AEC Reliance / Weymann Fanfare #805 EVT

22 may 2016 - Stoke-on-Trent, Britannia Stadium parking.

AEC Reliance / Weymann Fanfare #SL805

27 september 2015 - Stoke-on-Trent, Longton, Gladstone Pottery Museum.

Comments: 2

AEC Reliance / Weymann Fanfare #SL805

29 august 2015 - Alsager, Crewe Road. Udało mi się dorwać kolejnego starego reprezentanta First PMT, który liczy sobie już... 55 lat :D

AEC Reliance/Weymann Fanfare #1032

20 may 2007 - Bristol, doki. Zlot starodawnych autobusów.



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