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General Motors TC40-102N #6223

6 march 2010 - Toronto, 6223 on McRae Drive near Millwood on Saturday, March 6th, 2010 during a bus charter.

General Motors TC40-102N #6223

6 march 2010 - Toronto, Ontario. Rosedale Subway Station during the Orion V-GM Classic bus charter. Toronto only has 2 of these left. 1 works on Toronto Islands and the second is kept as a reserve unit.

General Motors TC40-102N #282

4 march 2010 - London. Ontario. Dundas Street while working route 2A Dundas. This bus carries the current LT Livery.

General Motors TC40-102N #8796

13 august 2008 - Ottawa, Ontario. Rideau Street near Dalhousie

General Motors TC40-102N #8624

14 august 2008 - Ottawa, Ontario. Wellington Street

General Motors TC40-102N #8544

13 august 2008 - Ottawa Ontario, Rideau Street

Comments: 8

General Motors TC40-102N #164

1 august 2008 - Guelph, Ontario. Quebec Street.



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