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Volvo 9700HD 15,0m #MZA-230

8 october 2021 - Korpelantie, Teuva

Volvo 9700HD 6x2 #805

10 august 2013 - Tohmajärvi, Neste Oil. If you have shop or service in eastern Finland, it's important speak russian.

Comments: 4

Volvo 9700HD 6x2 #805

10 august 2013 - Kitee, Kesälahti MH. Long route between Helsinki and Joensuu takes 8 hours and 40 minutes

Volvo 9700HD 6x2 #805

8 september 2009 - Lahti, bus station. Would you ever expect to see a Volvo 9700HD Low Entry? Well, only the cargo compartment is low entry. The old grandma needs to climb the stairs as usual. (Yes, I see the pillar, but I did not have any saw at hand. ;-) )

Comments: 4



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