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Search Photos

Exeter #19

9 august 2004 - Colyton, Devon (GB). Tram #19 came originally from Exeter and is the only tram from this system to be preserved.

Saloon #16

9 august 2004 - Colyton, Devon (GB). Tram #16 at the far terminus of the iine. This tram is a slightly cut-down 3ft 6ins gauge trams from the Bournemouth system and was rebuilt here at Seaton. Most Seaton trams have electrical equipment taken from ‘real’ trams and modified as necessary to fit the line. They are NOT toys......

Bournemouth #16

9 august 2004 - Colyton, Devon, UK. This photograph gives a better idea of the size of Seaton trams – note the driver. Like most of the Seaton fleet, the remains of an old tram were used extensively to construct it – in this case, a tram from Bournemouth.

Exeter #19

9 august 2004 - Colyton, Devon, UK. This looks almost like a full-size tram, but in fact its not, as a glance at any other photos of the Seaton Tramway will make clear. Parts of an Exeter Corporation tram were used in the construction of this 840mm gauge replica.



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