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Alna Sharyo Nagasaki Denki Kidō 1500 series #1503
Author: TranslatorPS plRSS (4)
Uploaded: 2019-03-10 11:04:41.69533
Width: 1141, Height: 760
File size: 560.62kB
11 february 2019 - Nagasaki (Nagasaki Prefecture), Aburayamachi, near Sofukuji terminus (長崎県長崎市油屋町), National Route 324. The entire Nagasaki tram fleet is based on these single-unit bi-directional mid-to-high-floor cars. Each one is equipped with two doors - the middle/back door for entering and the front door for getting off (you know the drill by now, don`t you?). The fare is paid when getting off, and a single adult is 120 yen (€0.95) - as far as I know that makes it the cheapest tram fare in Japan. There`s also a day pass for 500 yen, which is not available in the cars themselves. And now, a bit of disappointment - Nagasaki does not accept the common nation-wide IC cards, such as Pasmo or Suica, yet. There is a card indeed, however it`s local, accepted only around Nagasaki. This makes it the second city in Japan where I was forced to take out hard currency to travel around the city...
pl en gt


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