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Search Photos

Ikarus 250.16 #FKF-681

30 december 2008 - Polgár, Táncsics utca.

Comments: 4

MAN SÜ363 #FLG-121

2 august 2008 - Polgár, Toldi Miklós utca.

Comments: 5

Ikarus 250.16 #FKF-681

1 august 2008 - Polgár, Fürdő utca.

Comments: 2

Ikarus 260.03 #BU 88-82

2 august 2008 - A very nice Ik 260 (owned by a "bus collector" :)) at the first oldtimer fest, Polgár.

Comments: 4

Ikarus 386 #P-00105

2 august 2008 - Ikarus 386 conference bus at the First Oldimer Meeting, Polgár.

Comments: 1

Ikarus 630 Cabrio #FKF-550

2 august 2008 - 3 Ikarus 620 Cabrio buses were used for sight seeing tours in Budapest in the `60s - `70s, unfortunatelly all of them were scrapped in 1975. This vehicle is just a (not exact) replica, it was built of an Ik 630 last year.

Comments: 2

Volvo B7RLE / Alfa Regio #FLR-861

2 august 2008 - Polgár, M3-híd.

Ikarus 55.21 #DZA-700

1 august 2008 - Polgár, Dózsa György utca.

Volvo B7R / Saracakis / Marcopolo Andare Class #FLH-329

26 july 2006 - Polgár, Munkácsy Mihály utca.



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