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ЗиУ-682В0А #15198

july 2007 - 15198 is heading to the second stop of the route at that moment. Tomorrow: a picture from the interior that could shock every tourist who would dare to ride.

Comments: 3

Mercedes O307 #А 3830 ВК

10 august 2007 - OK. Since you don't like bushes and signs to participate in the photos, I changed it. This time, I shot it on the other side. You can even see my shadow :)

Comments: 6

Berna 4GTP / SWP / Ramseier & Jenzer #116

july 2007 - The best trolley in Bourgas on service at the only trolleybus line in the city. The pic is taken in a very confined street in the district where I live - "Meden Rudnik".

Comments: 4

ЗиУ-682В00 #15027

7 september 2004 - Bułgaria.Burgas. Linia 1.

Comments: 3



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